Strawberry Fields Logo




Lidgett Ln, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1LL


0113 232 0796


Information for parents

Key Information

If you would like to visit our school before applying for a nursery place for your child, please contact Miss Moira Daniels either by email or by telephoning the school office 0113 2320796.
Children are eligible to attend nursery school in the term after they turn three.
If you wish to express an interest for a nursery place for a younger child please contact the school office.

Girl riding a tricycle in playground
Cork board with paintings of all nursery children

Nursery applications 2024-25

We follow the Leeds City Council Early Years Admissions Guidance.  If you are allocated a place, you will be contacted the term prior to your child’s admission date to arrange a visit to our nursery and attend an informal meeting, where a home visit can be arranged.

Please note a place in our nursery does not guarantee a place in our school.  Parents of children attending nursery are required to follow the Leeds City Council procedures for applying for a Reception place.  

Nursery Admissions Policy

Download our latest Nursery Admissions Policy