Our Curriculum
At Strawberry Fields Primary School we aim to ensure that all our learners receive the highest standard of teaching in all areas of the curriculum, to enable pupils to achieve the best possible learning outcomes.
In order to do this, we believe that a carefully constructed and rigorously delivered curriculum is essential. Our curriculum allows children to develop a core body of disciplinary knowledge within each individual subject, through proper progression; spaced learning to revisit, revise and embed previously taught content; and opportunities to apply learning in both classroom and real-world contexts. Children should be able to see how what they are learning connects to what they have learned in the past. Prior learning should inform present learning, present learning
should deepen the understanding of what children have learned previously.
At Strawberry Fields we aim to teach a curriculum which is challenging, dynamic, engaging, and which has clear
connections to our children’s real world experiences.

Our Curriculum aims:
- Support our children to develop a love of learning and of ‘finding-out’ that will last a lifetime
- Deliver a full, broad and balanced programme of study across all subject areas
- Give all children, including those with additional needs, opportunities to shine and feel pride
- Deliver the full National Curriculum, supported by in-school provision maps and progression documents
- Have committed, enthusiastic subject leaders
- Be progressive, so that learning in each subject area and each phase builds on prior learning
- Allow children to master core, discipline specific knowledge, skills and vocabulary
- Ensure that by the end of Year Six, our children are well-prepared for the next stage of their educational journey
- Introduce children to ‘the best that has been thought and said’ within an individual discipline, to build the cultural capital of our children, so that regardless of their starting point, our children leave primary schoolwith an understanding of key social and cultural touchstones
- To build resilience, an enthusiasm for challenge and a ‘growth mindset’ in our children
- Make links between the curriculum the children are learning in the classroom, and the community and world in which they live
- Ensure that as children learn curriculum content at Strawberry Fields, they develop as individuals and as members of a community. We are proud that when our children leave us, they are kind, moral, thoughtful young people
Our wider curriculum is taught in discreet subjects. Classes do not follow ‘themes’ or ‘topics’. This is so that core, subject-specific knowledge, skills and vocabulary can be taught and teachers can be explicit that the content relates to a particular discipline (for example, science, music, geography). Where genuine and appropriate links between subject areas exist, children will be encouraged to make connections to see when their learning is transferable.
Learning is sequenced so that core content is taught and revisited, and regular opportunities are given to apply learning, for example by producing a high-quality piece of artwork. New units of teaching will begin from established starting points. ‘Spaced-learning’ is used to ensure core content is transferred to long-term memory, by revisiting previously taught content regularly.
In keeping with our aim of giving children a deep understanding of key contents, we operate a ‘do less, but better’ philosophy, encouraging teachers to plan fewer tasks, so that they can concentrate on embedding key knowledge, skills and vocabulary, and on producing high-quality outcomes.
Each subject has its own progression plan of core knowledge, skills and vocabulary to be taught (based on the National Curriculum) and subject leaders work closely with phase leaders and class teachers when units of learning are being planned.
Science, history, geography, art and design and technology are taught in focus weeks, meaning larger blocks of time can be devoted to acquiring and applying core curriculum content and producing high-quality outcomes. In addition, each class will receive weekly lessons in music, religious education, RHSE (Relationships, Health and Sex Education), computing and physical education (twice weekly). In Key Stage Two all children receive a weekly Spanish lesson.
The art curriculum is augmented by a weekly ‘sketchbook’ lesson, and the music curriculum by a weekly singing assembly. Classroom learning is also supported by a range of extra-curricular activities, including sports clubs, eco- council, choirs and music lessons.
Feedback and marking are used to identify and corrections misconceptions, and to ensure children produce high- quality work at all times.
Each individual subject has its own Curriculum Statement, which can be seen on our website.
We judge the impact of our curriculum based on the outcomes for our children.
Judgements on outcomes are made based on:
- The quality of work produced in books or as other lesson outputs (for example, a composition in a music lesson)
- Formative assessment by teachers during lessons
- The understanding of key content shown in discussion (both informal and in ‘pupil voice’ interviews)
- The children’s preparedness for the next stage of their education at the end of each phase
We consider our curriculum to be a work in progress in all times – we strive constantly to do better for our children.
Where research or experience tells us there is a better way to do things, or in cases where outcomes are not as we
would expect, we will amend our curriculum provision accordingly.